A new history of America, in three volumes and 1600 pages, analytical, critical and in epic form by political scientist Alfred de Grazia, summing up a life-long involvement with the processes at work in the making of America and its projection into the world. |
| In the Third and Last Volume of "America's History Retold," the United States of America reach, through the turmoils of two World Wars and a Great Depression, a position of unprecented world dominance, extending to all domains of human activity, and thrive to impose their values and model of democracy, unfortunately often lacking a serious quality control of their exports.
Paperback - 582 pages - size 7" x 10" - US$ 25.01
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 Volume Two: Originating American Ways of Living and Working |
| In Volume Two of America's History Retold, covering most of the XIX. century, the new industrial civilization takes the virgin continent in its vise. The sheer size of the space to be tamed and exploited propels the young nation to pinnacles of ingenuity and greed. Immense resources in humans and commodities, such as exist nowhere else and will never exist again, are thrown into production. While the autochtonous peoples are suppressed and exterminated, the descendants of the deported Africans struggle out of appalling conditions of slavery. Masses of hopeful humanity from the old continent are sucked into a dream of prosperity and of a decent life which will largely come true only for their descendants. While expanding gigantically, the Republic threatens to break apart and saves itself only by resorting to a grim, fratricide war, the first industrial war in history. A civilization emerges, in which man is no longer "the measure of all things."
Paperback - 496 pages - size 10" x 17" - US$25.01
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 Volume One: Conquests, Colonialism and Constitutions |
| Volume One of America's History Retold covers the Native American cultures from Pre-Columbian times and examines anthropological and human accretions of successives waves of immigration. It follows the colonial history of the United States all the way to the heady times of the Declaration Independence and through the first years of the young Republic.
Paperback - 522 pages - size 17"x10" - US$ 25.01
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